A Meditation with Lilacs
The wind touches my skin, Asking if I can, for a moment, be still. How can I connect with anything, if I don’t notice the delicate lilac...

We get into things. We get out of things. We see sunrises, and long stretches of open road. We eat and sleep In sunshine and under gray...

In Your Own Hand
Suspended above the ground, our feet move us across the terrain, connecting us to the earth and our other senses. But what of horses? At...

On Loan to Us
As humans we will take about 700 million breaths in our lifetime. Horses will take around 450 million. What is this invisible thing that...

They are not mine
Horses galloping across the snow.

Rivers of Change
“What people have the capacity to choose, they have the ability to change.” Madeleine Albright Things are changing in the horse world....